When Jesus was on earth, He in human form was able to give His undivided attention to one person at a time.

The 12 disciples had access to Jesus. They walked and lived with Him, but still they had to take turns to be one on one.

The 70 extended disciples would have heard Jesus preach, but most might have only spoken with Jesus one on one a handful of times

The crowds also heard Jesus preach, but perhaps only a few times when He came through their town. Most of them though wouldn’t have had to opportunity to speak with Jesus one on one

How epic would it have been, Jesus in all His glory entering into Heaven after finishing his time here on earth, to the roar of the cloud of witnesses, the angels and all the living creatures! 

At some point, perhaps after the festivities of His arrival (who knows how long that went for) I can imagine Jesus high-fiving the Holy Spirit & saying, “You’re it!”

The Holy Spirit then comes to earth to begin His work.

Now the Holy Spirit isn’t a bird, He is God, just like Jesus & the Father. We are created in Their image & we’re not birds! The Holy Spirit has a special ability though. Unlike Jesus, He can be one on one with the one, one on one with the 12, with the 70 & those in the crowd all at the same time! This is why Jesus said in John 16:7

“Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you”

While Jesus is in heaven preparing a place for us, the Holy Spirit is here on earth teaching & guiding us as Jesus did with the disciples, only now, we have been tasked to do the work that Jesus demonstrated. That is, to see His kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.

So when we pray, “Holy Spirit come!” we are asking Him to personally & corporately mentor us, help us, empower us, guide us & give us boldness so that we can co-labour with Him to see His kingdom come

The following YouTube video is a prayer to the Holy Spirit I wrote a while back.


Corporate Prayer