1 Year Ago I Flew To Bethel From Australia For The Weekend!

In August 2022 I was working on a build project for a client in Sydney Australia. In the background I had a Bill Johnson preach playing on my laptop. He was talking about waiting on God.

At one point Bill said, “The whole point of lying in wait, is to discover where He is at. You say, “Well God is everywhere” Yeah, BUT, I watched in the early 90’s as people would travel from all over the world because they heard a rumour God was moving powerfully in Toronto”

As Bill said this, I sensed a prompting from the Holy Spirit to travel to Bethel.

Working on a build project at Cuepoint Productions

My situation at the time would only allow me to go for an extended weekend. I came to the place where I was ok with that. I wanted to get over there before the end of the year. I needed to leave the trip late enough to save for it, plus I wanted to go when it was cool and I figured I should get over there and back before the Thanksgiving/Christmas travel season to avoid any flight complications. I booked flights departing Sydney Fri Nov 11 and returning from Redding via San Fransisco the following Tuesday.

I learn’t the week prior to flying out, the Sunday I’d be in Redding was Bethel’s Arise & Build offering weekend raising funds for a new facility to house the prophesied influx of people. It didn’t seem like the ideal weekend for an encounter, but I figured I’d prepare to take an offering given the new build was a prophetic initiative.

I arrived at San Francisco International Airport around 8:30am and spent much of the day waiting for my connecting flight. I didn’t realise at least for a few hours that Remembrance Day is observed in the US on the same day! It was Remembrance day when I left Sydney AND when I arrived in San Fran! I did think it was a little odd that songs like Born In The USA and Ohio were blaring out over the PA in the airport. Initially I thought, “I know Americans are patriotic but this seems a little over the top!” Then there was a presentation honouring those in the armed forces who are and have served hosted by United Airlines and it all began to click.

There was a delay with the flight to Redding. Apparently they couldn’t start the small jet without an external starter unit and the starter in Redding was broken, so we all had to disembark and jump on another plane. As a result of this delay, after landing In Redding I didn’t go to my accomodation as originally planned, but. instead decided to catch an Uber straight to Bethel. I didn’t want to risk missing checkin for the pre-booked Prophetic session. I was about an hour early to the session so I sat and waited in the Hebrews Cafe

Redding Airport

When the time came to line up I was informed about the “healing rooms” which take place Saturday mornings starting at 9am. To make the most of my trip I determined that I would go.

We were ushered into a space called “The Great Room” which I understand is used as an overflow for the main auditorium. The night began with a time of worship followed by an induction of how the night would unfold. Turns out many of those who were attending were from out of town. 

I was in the first group to go into the prophetic session in the adjoining room. Our allocated time went for around 10 minutes. I sat in front of 2 young women who prayed over me and proceeded to speak about what they saw concerning me. In the moment I thought they may have missed it with the Words. Having said that, I was pretty tired from the trip. I’m so glad I was encouraged to record the prophetic Words on my phone because over the coming days God would begin to unpack and confirm so many elements of it to me!

After the prophetic session I caught an Uber to my accomodation. At checkin the lady behind the counter asked if I needed a microwave or a fridge in my room. I said, “No thanks, but you have a jug right?” She said “a what???” I said “a kettle, you know something to boil water in.” She seemed annoyed like I was wasting her time. Then her co-worker yelled from the back office, “What does he want?!” to which the lady (who reminded me of Peli Motto in The Mandalorian) at the counter replied in a gruff tone, “It’s not worth repeating” while shaking her head. A little shocked I wondered if perhaps there was some local cultural nuance I wasn’t aware of and left it at that.

I went up to my room and began to unpack. I was overcome by a scent that I guess had been building throughout the day. It first hit me at border security in San Fran and seemed to be everywhere! This sweet almost cinnamon like scent seemed to be in the floor disinfectant, the plastics, even the trees! It’s hard to describe, but I felt like gagging and wondered if I’d last. Over the coming days though it got less and less to the point I didn’t notice anymore. Interestingly, when I arrived back in Australia, I noticed everything had a citrus tone which I hadn’t been aware of before. It seems that countries have their own smell?! It was only my second time outside of Australia. The first time was to Hawaii around 14 years prior to mix a conference although I don’t recall being overcome by a smell.

Fortunately there was a coffee brewer of sorts in my room and I was able to get boiling water from it to use my Aeropress and get a suitable result. I roast my own beans and had a fairly lite roast so boiling water was fine.

Coffee setup in accomodation

Saturday Morning I went down stairs to check out the breakfast options. There was a machine that dispensed waffle mix and then you put the mix into a waffle iron. The iron kept beeping at me! I couldn’t work it out. I had to ask for help in the end. Turns out it needed to be rotated upside down.

I arrived at the healing rooms. Before being ushered into the main auditorium, we attended another induction in a side room. I somehow pictured in my mind there would be like booths, like office dividers, but the whole auditorium gets used. In the centre of the room are painters with seating around them in a big circle. On the stage were dancers with silky flags. A worship band was also on stage and off from stage right in the auditorium is divided off with the row of chairs and this is where people were prayed for. I was in group 3.

I was surprised to learn this event happens every Saturday till around 12pm. During this time groups continued to flow in from the side induction room. 16 in all! After a few hours the room was a flurry of activity with hundreds of people. I stood in for a friend & family. Those praying for me anointed a cloth to take back to each of them. After being prayed for we were encouraged to wander and sit and soak in the Presence. It was a great space just to come and engage with the Holy Spirit.

Healing Rooms - The space became quite full into the late morning

Saturday afternoon I went to check out some classic American stores like Chick-fil-A, Home Depot and bought some presents for my kids. (Not from Home Depot 🙂)

Sunday morning I arrived around 7:15am for the 8am service. I found a seat on the centre isle and waited for the service to start. Kris Vallotton was walking down the isle shaking hands with people. As he was heading toward me I could see he seemed intent on speaking with a couple just behind me. Kris shook my hand, I said hello and he moved on. I was happy that I got to meet him though very briefly. While Kris was standing just behind my right shoulder talking with the couple, I got to talking to a lady in the row in front of me. Astrid I believe her name was? She asked if I was in business. I said no. Astrid continued to give me a Word relating to business. During the service I realised I actually do have a business, Sage Audio Services, but it’s not my primary source of income. The “In Business” statement threw me I guess. My day job (Sunday - Thursday) I work at Hillsong Church maintaining and repairing our national infrastructure like mixing consoles radio mics etc and manufacturing custom build projects.

After the service I clarified that I did have a business but it’s not my main source of income. Astrid asked if she could pray for me. As she began I sensed the presence of God immediately! She had another Word for me of a personal nature that resonated.

After the 8am everyone was asked to leave the building to make room for the next service. I hung with the sound guys and was able to stay. I had met them at the Healing Rooms and it turns out we had mutual friends!. I grabbed a seat next to one of the cameras. I remember thinking that it’s unlikely I’d receive a Word being stuck next to the camera op. I met a young lady who was sitting next to me. We got talking. I believe her name was Shelta. I said I was in town from Sydney for the weekend. After the service she asked if she could pray for me. Again as she began to pray I immediately sensed the Holy Spirit! She had a Word for me also that spoke to the heart. God was not only giving me direction but working on my heart as well!

After the 10:30am service Luke from Broadcast took me out to lunch which was a real treat! I also had the opportunity to sit in Broadcast with Luke for the PM service soundcheck/rehearsal. He introduced me to Jen Johnson just prior to the soundcheck who was leading worship that night. That was a really nice surprise.

After the soundcheck I went back out the front to sit in for the PM service. While waiting for the service to begin I was prayed for by 3 more people! A couple from Hawaii who now call Bethel home and a lady named Linda.

Each service I attended (except the 1PM as I only caught the tail end after lunch) someone sitting next to, or near me had a Word for me! Each person seemed to be from a different age group. All were on point! Some about my future & some bringing healing.

The congregation is indeed an extension of the platform. Yeah, it was a big day! It truly exceeded my expectations!

Me being prayed for just before the Sunday night service

Monday morning I went to where work had begun on the new facility. I wanted to walk the dirt and see what I had sown into before it was fully realised.

I could see where the crusher dust marks the building. It’s going to be large, but I can see it doing multiple services on a Sunday just like the existing campus. If you have the entire city coming to church you’d have too right?

It was a privilege to stand where the stage will be looking out over the auditorium with Mt Shasta in the background contemplating the great things God will do in this space.

I think Bethel Church will see their city saved.

Cracking the 4 minute mile as a runner was considered impossible, but when Roger Bannister accomplished this feat, others obtained the possibility to do the same. 

I hope and pray that as Bethel reach their target, the flow on effect impacts my city and others. 

20 years ago I wrote a song called “This City”. I believe it is prophetic. While I was in Redding this song was churning away in my Spirit. After returning home from the U.S. I re-recorded it with footage of my trip to Bethel. I played and sang it is a declaration over the city of Redding. (YouTube video below)

Heading home I met a woman named Bec from Bethel who was travelling to Sydney to visit family. We got talking at Redding airport and continued at San Fran waiting the 4+ hours to board the Boeing 777. I believe God used this conversation to shift some rusty train track Points and lever my thinking onto a different set of tracks.

I believe this was also a God orchestrated appointment having been woken around 12AM the previous night with a sense God wasn’t finished and praying that if He needed to correct my thinking and I was submitted to that. This encounter ticked the final box on my list. Yeah I had a list! Also I bought the most expensive burger I have ever paid for. After working out the conversion rate it came to $47 AUS!!

Catching the train home from Sydney Airport

After returning home, I mailed an anointed cloth to my dad and rode my motorcycle to my accountants place to give one to him.

A little while later while driving with Amie my 10 year old, she said, “Dad, what are you doing?!” I’d been muttering in tongue’s under my breath thanking the Holy Spirit as I was aware of His presence in the moment. 

You see before going OS I would often sense the Holy Spirit in my quiet times, but this awareness seemed to elude me during the day. 

I often asked God to show me how to become aware of him during the day. It doesn’t always happen, but I catch myself more and more now being aware of His Presence or muttering in tongues.

This past year so much has happened both good and difficult. Literally 2 weeks after returning home I received news that has had a significant impact on the life of my family that is still being worked through at the time of writing. Having said that, I sense that I was prepared for it in a way from the Words received on my trip to Bethel which is a blessing indeed. 

Also since around April this year I have found myself being part of our corporate church prayer meetings which meet around 4 times a week. I never would have imagined I’d be part of such a “motley group” as it has been described let alone enjoy it!

It is something I look forward to. The Holy Spirit meets with us and His presence is felt. We are seeing flow on effects in our weekend services as a result of investing in this Initiative. 

The Words I received at Bethel have been such a blessing. They have given me direction, reassurance and healing. I also believe I have received an impartation. I believe I carry something or something has been unlocked now that I didn’t seem to have before I went.

Had I decided on my own to fly across the world for an extended weekend, would God have met me the way He did? I don’t know? I was aware that such an effort could look a bit strive’y, but I believe like a 2 part epoxy, the calling combined with obedience is what set me up for these encounters

The Holy Spirit definitely went before me setting up divine appointments, each one adding to the other, bringing about direction, impartation, healing and hope. I believe the impartation isn’t just for me, but God is going to use what he has placed in me to minister to others.

There’s a song, “I left my heart in San Francisco”. While it was only 4 days, I feel like I left a piece of my heart in Redding and I need to reconcile that somehow.

I came away from the weekend in awe of what He had done with the song going round in my head, “I stand in awe of You, awe awe awe...”



